Friday, October 30, 2020

Africa in need

 Title: Africa in Need


Almost all of Africa is in poverty which means that they can’t afford or be able to access stores or distributors. That means that they have to rely on their environment in order to feed themselves and their families. People in Africa have a wide variety of human environment interaction. They cut down trees for wood and farming, they use the waters to fish and hydrate, they hunt for food and more. Many people and nations try to help people in Africa like mission trips and charity organizations. Some more examples of human environment interaction would be the building of infrastructure while still poor, does help to make living better for the people there. Also, because of the poor infrastructure, there is a lot of pollution in the lakes and waters that people rely on.


This article is very good, it was published in 2012 however so it might not be too up to date. It was a medium size article so it didn't take too long to read. It was written by the United Nations so it is credible.

Discussion question:

How can we help to help Africa and people in need?

Why was Africa in such a state of poverty in the first place?

What are some examples of human environment interactions?

How can we spread awareness for the people in need in Africa?


  1. How can we spread awareness for the people in need in Africa?

    We could put up posters around places, make cards that can be put into mail boxes, and because social media is the biggest platform many people are on,we can post about this issue and spread awareness.

  2. I really liked how you came up with 4 questions to get the reader thinking. I also enjoyed learning about all of the natural resources that their are in Africa and how people use them in their daily lives.

  3. How can we help to help Africa and people in need?

    we can help try to find why they are in this situation in the first place, and try to find a way to fix it. Or we could start donating goods like food, clothes, water, etc.

  4. Question #1
    we can help them by donating multiple kind of resources, such as clothing, water and food just to list a few. we could also help them build better schools. we could also do more things similar to LEAP to let them have a better education

  5. We can help Africa and people in need by donating money and other useful resources that can help. We can also spread awareness so many more people can help by donating as well. We can spread awareness through some type of media to get the word around.

  6. We can help Africa and its people by giving to charities that provide aid to African people in need. We can also spread awareness using social media to get other people to donate too.
