Friday, October 30, 2020

Nakku's Success


    In this article we learn that Justine Nakku is a young woman living in Kenya. In Kenya the unemployment rates are very high. Therefore, it is very difficult to keep some jobs. Nakku decided she was going to be her own boss. She started a farm that came to be very successful. She always kept going despite the discouraging things people would say.  
 Many people felt empowered by this article and Nakkus success. Personally, I felt this way because even though so many people were criticizing her, and telling her that she'll never make it because she was a 25 year old woman, she persisted. Nakku also became more successful than half the people that were putting her down. Nakku overcame unemployment by starting her own farm. What might you do if you were in the same position? 


  1. Wow! This is truly inspiring. I assume that she had very limited resources when first starting the farm. Despite being short, your article was very well written. Good job!

  2. I like how you put how you felt about her story . Your summary was also really good and gave a really good explanation
    of what you read. You did a really nice job!

  3. I really enjoyed reading your blogpost and this story because it proves how no matter who you are or how much you've fallen, you can always pick yourself back up and keep going as long as you have that determination. I thought you did really well analyzing the article.

  4. I really liked your article! It proves that people can come back with the right mindset. If I was in her position, I would have done what she did and kept on going.

  5. Your article was very interesting. Including how you felt made me think of how so many people of all different walks of life can connect with Nakku. If I was in her position, I would have tried to create a successful farming business as well, because she had easy access to the resources needed to do so.

  6. Your article told a very interesting story. I think that if I were in her position I would have done my best to keep my head up and focus on working towards my goals.

  7. I think if I were in her position I would not be nearly as successful as she is. She is clearly an amazing woman who is able to take all the hate people though at her. I know I would crack under the pressure she endured.

    This was amazing to read, great job!
