Tuesday, November 17, 2020

The Significance Of Christian Holidays


Many Christians, and people celebrate Christian holidays without knowing their true significance and meaning. Oftentimes, people go through the motions of giving presents, and hiding Easter eggs, just because it was what they did as a child. However, each Holiday has its own special meaning, and backstory.

     Christmas is celebrated on the 25th of December. This is because on this day Jesus Christ was born. Mary gave birth to Jesus in Bethlehem. Many Christians celebrate Christmas by attending a big mass ceremony at their church. They go to this mass to worship Jesus on his birthday. Another Christmas tradition is giving gifts. Gifts are given to remind us of the presents that the wise men gave to Jesus. Lastly, a fun thing some people do is go caroling. People do this to spread joy, and connect to others in the name of god.

     Secondly, many people celebrate Easter. Lots of people celebrate this holiday. In fact roughly 80% of people in the However, there is a large number of people who do not know why it is a tradition to find Easter eggs, where it originated, and Easter's significance. Easter is the oldest and most important Christian holiday. This is because it is the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Easter is the story of Jusus' last days, he was crucified on good Friday, then came back to life on Easter day. The eggs in Easter represent the celebration of a new life.  This is why there are so many traditions involving eggs around Easter. An example of this would be Egg dying, egg hunt, and egg rolling. Easter is thought to be one of the most historically important holidays for Christians.

Lastly, lent is a very important day for Christians. Beginning on Ash Wednesday, lent is the time for preparation, and reflection before Easter. During this time people often give up favorite foods and festivities. Christians do this to test self discipline and also because they believe that Jesus went into the desert for 40 days and nights as a time of prayer and fasting. This was before he would die on the cross. Christians go the full 40 days and nights not including Sunday. This is because Sundays are seen as a day of celebration in the church. In the past lent was often much stricter and people were restricted on many more foods. However, in the present time the churches have loosened up and have become less controlling. If one breaks Lent there is no punishment besides the internal punishment. If one breaks Lent usually they feel guilty and like they betrayed Jesus. Roughly 61% of Catholics and Christians partake in Lent.

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