What is Halal and Haram Food in Islam
What I am talking about in this blog post is Halal and Haram food in Islam. Halal means in arabic, permissible. Haram is the opposite of halal, forbidden. In Islam if you commit a haram act you must pray to Allah SWT (Islam God) for forgiveness and realize what you have done wrong. Haram is also considered as a terrible sin. The term Halal is not only for food. You can also be halal by doing great acts such as praying 5 times a day and reading the Quran. (Holy Book of Islam) All in all this is what halal and haram mean.
What is Halal food? Halal food is food that has been slaughtered in a specific way. These food are animals such as cows and chickens. Except for fish which you can eat no matter how it was killed, and pork which is haram and forbidden to eat if you are a muslim. In order to kill a animal correctly for it to be considered you have to, make sure the animal is healthy and right before you kill it recite a shahada which is a saying in arabic, and then kill the animal. Before doing anything else with it you have to make sure all the blood is drained from the animal.
What is Haram Food? Haram food is mainly food that is related to pigs such as pork, ham, and pig gelatin. Even if you kill pigs the right way for them to be halal they will never be considered halal. This is strictly said in the Quran. If you were to eat a animal such as a chicken or cow and it was not killed to be halal that is fine, many muslims do this. But to compensate for it not being killed halal you have to say Bismillah which means, In the name of God.
All of this information was from this website and being a muslim myself.
Sehan Alam
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