Friday, October 30, 2020

Destructive Flooding in East Africa

    Africa is known for its water shortages. But since 2016, floods have started occurring in countries like Ethiopia, Sudan, Kenya, Somalia, and Uganda which are all located in East Africa. According to a BBC News article on Flooding in East Africa, "the floods are caused by a big temperature differential between the east and west sides of the Indian Ocean."  In 2020 alone, over 6,000,000 million people have been affected by it. Sudan got hit the worst where 860,000 people were left with damaged homes and 120 people perished.  
    Africa is home to a government that doesn’t care that much about climate change. The BBC News article on The Effect of Climate Change on Africa, states that "the capacity for adaptation to climate change is low; poverty equates to reduced choice at the individual level while governance generally fails to prioritize and act on climate change."  The government in Africa worries about other issues rather than about the rapidly growing one at hand. Climate change. The uneven heating in the east and west sides of the Indian ocean was due to climate change. That caused major amounts of flooding when Africa was experiencing a water shortage. Someone needs to take charge of what is going on to help Africa end climate change and get rid of poverty. 

    After reading the articles about Flooding in East Africa and The Effect of Climate Change on Africa, I feel like the African government should care more about climate change. I don’t agree with the lack of action the government has put forth to end climate change. They are putting their efforts into other causes rather than the bigger issue. Alone, climate change has affected over 6,000,000 million people in East Africa. What will happen if the government doesn’t step in soon to help? I feel that the government could start helping the countries like Sudan who have been hit the hardest and continue to support others who need help. The government could look to other countries or companies that are willing to help. We can all work together to help stop the issues of flooding caused by climate change in east Africa. By getting the government more involved, we help control the dangerous flooding in Africa. 

 Discussion Question: 
    What is the best way to deal with the flooding caused by climate change in Africa?  Do you agree or disagree with the way the Africa government is handling climate change?


  1. Hi! I think that its quite hard to deal with something on a global scale so I think the best thing to do is stop the climate change before it is irrecoverable which a lot of people are saying it already is. We can do that by spreading awareness to other people. Great work!

  2. I believe that it may be more beneficial to have companies and non-profit organizations aid the cities and governmental aid for these floods. With a bit of background knowledge about these countries, the government may not step in and aid their people, so it will probably be in the people's best interest to reach out and see who can help.

  3. I loved your summary and how you pulled evidence directly from the text. I thought this was a great problem that was brought up and you did a amazing job describing that!

  4. Your summary was really good. I think one way to combat the issue could be starting government led agencies similar to those funded under the FDR administration. Because the Great Depression is an issue at a similar stature of the floods going on in East Africa, I believe this could be a fix.

  5. I believe that the government should definitely be doing more to combat the flooding issue in Africa. I personally think they should do a relief program since I am not sure how you reduce flooding.

    Good job, great post!
