Friday, October 30, 2020

From Janitor to Nurse Practitioner.


The article “From Janitor to Nurse Practitioner in the Same Hospital, meet Jaines Andraes.” talks about Jainies Andres success story in her Career. Starting out as a janitor in a hospital ,Andres worked and studied her way up, soon enough becoming a nurse practitioner in the same hospital. This shows African Resilience because Jainies, an African woman worked her way up to a higher position to be able to provide for her mom financially from the medical benefits that her position now receives. She worked over a ten year period in order to have the proper qualifications to become a nurse practitioner, the work Jainies put in shows an immense amount of work effort and resilience to meet her goal of finally being able to practice medicine. I feel that this is an excellent display of African resilience because it shows a African woman working for over ten years to become qualified to study medicine and to be able to provide for her family with more financial freedom. The specific challenges Jainies faced were not directly talked about, although it can be heavily implied that it was no easy task; Especially considering that she kept her job as a janitor while putting herself through rigorous academic work. How could ones culutre be an impactful factor in a journey like this?


  1. This is a very inspiring story! I wish the article you read was a bit more detailed and informative, but your analysis was very deep and intelligent.

  2. i think this is a great blog, your analysis was precise and to the point. this is also a very serious issue in many poor places so it is very relevant, good job.

  3. I really liked how you connected the article back to the prompt, you did a really nice job!

  4. I really enjoyed reading your blogpost because I totally agree about how it shows Africa's resilience just through this one woman who didn't just give up, but worked her way up in order to help not just herself, but others. It proves that you really can do anything if you're determined and motivated enough to.

  5. This is a really well written article. It showed how ones culture/race does not have to define what they study. It breaks stereotypes. Great Job!!

  6. I really enjoyed how descriptive and how well you did your analysis. Good Job!
