Friday, November 13, 2020

A Guide to Islams Clothing

Islam means submission to God. Islam is a religion in which people have a certain set of rules to follow regarding their eating habits, clothing, beliefs and much more. In clothing, women and men each have different sets of instructions. The issue I am addressing is that unfortunately, some businesses and factories do not let their workers wear certain attires due to uniformity between workers or modernizing the business. But, this leads to certain religions including Islams followers to not be able to work their because they cannot wear that attire. It can make people lose jobs juts because they simply cannot wear certain clothing.

 Men are mostly allowed to wear whatever they might want outside (regular t-shirts and pants). But , men are not allowed to wear any gold accessories and silk accessories. They may wear silver but they are not permitted to wear gold. Women on the other hand are allowed to wear gold, silver and silk whenever they may please. 

It is said that women have to wear a head-scarf after they hit puberty and that they should always wear loose modest clothing that covers their whole body.

Some women choose to wear abayas which are kind of like huge cardigans that cover their whole body. Some women also choose to wear niqabs which is a covering of the face except for the eyes and sometimes forehead while they go out. Some people say that wearing abayas and niqabs are not mandatory and according to certain scholars they are not.  According to the article "Why do Muslims women wear a hijab?", passages in the Quran state that wearing a hijab is mandatory because of male desire, but some scholars argue that the passages were meant for the Prophets wives not necessarily all women. 

During Hajj or Umrah (pilgrimage to Mecca) women and men have to wear Ihram. Ihram is a state in which a Muslim must enter in order to perform the major pilgrimage and minor pilgrimage. Ihram has it's own set of clothing guide lines. Men must wear to white towels that cover their upper body like a sash and lower body like a skirt while women must wear an abaya and a head scarf. They must wear this all-throughout pilgrimage.



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