Friday, November 13, 2020

Halal Foods

 The problem that I am addressing is the lack of Halal foods or options at the school.  Halal foods are foods that are allowed to be eaten by the Islamic law, haram meaning forbidden are the foods disallowed by the law such as pork, pork products or animals that were dead before slaughtering. 

I would recommend adding some more Halal friendly food options at the school cafeteria because according to "What Is Halal Food ?", halal food is popular in large metropolitan cities such as New York where there is a food truck culture. Some of these food truck businesses have taken their company further by opening restaurants. It is clear that halal food's following is growing at a steady pace and getting involved could be beneficial for Hinsdale Central  and the company Quest. Not only will this be pleasing Islamic students, it will make the food seem more modern and favored to students that aren't Muslim or chose to eat halal foods. 

For the Islamic religion, Halal food is important because it is obeying god's instructions which come from their holy bible, Qu'ran. Stated by the same article, Muslims are educated to respect the animals they eat and make the slaughtering as peaceful as possible. Instead of immediately  slaughtering the animal, veins in the neck are cut so the blood can drain. This is done because Muslims are not allowed to consume any animal blood.  These rituals are extremely important to Muslims and must be followed. 

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