Monday, November 16, 2020

Why Should We Get Days for Christian Holidays?

     For the religion of Christianity, It is important to address the break that school should get. Many schools only give students 4 days of a break for these memorable holidays. I think that this should change that for many reasons. I believe that school boards should take into consideration the holiday break to relax and spend time with your family. It is important to remember the student’s cultures and traditions that these holidays give to people. School boards should take into consideration what these holidays mean to students and what the students get from celebrating. The 2 major holidays that Christians celebrate are Christmas and Easter. 

    Christmas, the time where every family comes together to celebrate and eat ham. But what is Christmas really about? It refers to the old English name 'Cristes Maesse' meaning  Christ's Mass. Christmas is to remember the birth of Jesus Christ the Son of God who was born in Bethlehem 2000 years ago. Family celebrates throughout the month by making their annual Christmas Cookies and sending out holiday cards to cheer on this special day. Which is why school boards should take into account spending time with more family during this special season. So Christmas is a time to cheer and enjoy your time with family and friends as another year draws to a close and where 90% of the world celebrates the birth of Christ.

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In addition to Christmas, we have the holiday of Easter. There are a few special days leading up to Easter including lent, Good Friday, and Ash Wednesday. Lent is the season of reflection and preparation before all Christians celebrate Easter.  Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent. On Ash Wednesday we start 40 days of lent, Christians replicate Jesus’s sacrifice by taking something away from them for 6 and ½ week.“Lent is a time when some Christians try to overcome their own faults because they believe that it was man's sin that led Jesus to be crucified.”We also come across a day of sorrow which is Good Friday. Good Friday is the day when Jesus Christ was respected on the cross, it represents his victory over death. Easter was the day that he came back to life and visited his follower one more time then went back up to Heaven to be with god. It is a time to celebrate Jesus going to heaven. Christians gather together on Easter Sunday to remember Jesus Christ. For Christians, the dawn of Easter Sunday with its message of new life is the high point of the Christian year.” You may think these holidays are average and that everyone celebrates them. But there is the true meaning behind all of these special days for Christians, which is why I think we should get more days off for Christmas and Easter.

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