Monday, November 16, 2020

Accessibility of Halal and Haram foods

         Halal vs Haram - What is the Difference? [How to Identify Halal Food] 

The challenge that I am addressing today is the accessibility of halal foods in America. Halal foods are easily accessible in many places around the world such as Hong Kong and New Zealand but America lags sufficiently behind. The issue is Muslims can not have the same meat foods that everyone else can access such as Chick-fil-A or McDonalds because they are not halal. Halal food has started to see its rise in the United States due to such a huge market for it which includes at least 3.45 million Muslim consumers in the US. Supermarkets like Walmart, Pete's Fresh Market, etc are now starting to bring in halal meats because they see an extremely profitable opportunity.

I would recommend fast food restaurants and more supermarkets to supply halal foods because not only does it benefit the Muslim people but according to there is over a 20 billion dollar industry for halal food in the US. For instance, there was a KFC near my house which served halal chicken for several years and the local Mosque used to buy a couple hundred boxes from them every Friday. When they suddenly decided to take them out, the Muslim community stopped getting their amazing chicken and they lost profit. If large chains of supermarkets and fast food places made halal food it would be a win win for everyone, Muslims get halal food and these large chains make even more money.

For the religion of Islam halal food is essential because it is part of their belief, eating pure and anti-cruel meat. They cannot eat food that is not halal whether it be fast food or prepackaged which is why the accessibility of halal food can benefit Muslims and non Muslims and can ease the process of eating out for Muslims. For Muslims halal is just more than food, halal means permissible. It's they way they perform everyday acts so it's not only food but the whole idea of permissible and impermissible, (halal and haram) is so important to Muslims.

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