Friday, October 30, 2020

400 Years of Conflict


Summary- I the early 16th hundreds the white men wanted to take over more land because they thought more land meant more power. So different nations traveled to Africa to see if they take over any big parts. Some nations got together to talk and think about what things were happening and making deals on what land each nation could get. The Africans did not like it and they rebelled, they wanted to stand up for themselves. And the white men saw and thought of how funny it was because of their skin color. So the men took the Africans and sold them to other countries and men who wanted them to help around the house. This made the Africans furious and angry. The black people did not have a choice, they had to do what they were told, and if they did not listen then they would get hurt or killed. So they wanted to change this and make it so the white man and black man had the same type of control over what they did and what they want to do. 

Analysis- I agree with what the Africans had to do to get freedom, even though they should have never should have had to do this. The white men should have just left them alone. This article kind of reminded me of what the Rwandan genocide was like. They were caught and had to find a way to become free. I feel that in the end, the black people had to stand up and fight for what is right and fight for what was wrong. 

Discussion Questions- do you agree or disagree with what the Africans and what they had to do? What do you think the black people should have done before they were taken? What is the best way to figure out the problems that they had?

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