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Title: Climate Change is Severely Affecting Africa
Summary: The number of undernourished people in Africa has increased by 46.5% since 2012, according to the United Nations food and Agriculture Organization. This is due to climate change. Climate change causes illnesses and affects agriculture. Recently, changes in rain patterns have been making insects bite. Dengue fever, malaria, and yellow fever are easily transmitted through these changed rain patterns. Sadly, poorly governed countries have been the most affected by climate change. Studies from University of Oxfords Enviornmental change institute, show that most poorly governed countries in Africa do not have access to air conditioning. Air conditioning is very essential because humans adapt to hot weather by turning their air conditioning on. In a very hot climate like Africa you could suffer from heat stroke and die. The probability of this happening is more likely because Africa is getting hotter due to climate change.
Algriculture is also effecting lifes in Africa. Over the last 8 years starvation in Africa has increased by nearly 50%. Heat waves were found to be the common issue. They can kill crops, and increase plant diseases/pests. Also, according to the United Nations food and Algriculture Organization, when rainfall patterns change food supply reduces by 50%. Food supply is lessening, but Africa found a way to help. Some governments in Africa provide farmers training on how to grow crops in extreme heat. More food is going to be saved.
Analisis: All humans must adapt to survive. We adapt by doing simple things. We wear coats in the winter, and in the summer shorts or t-shirts. We grow certain types of fruit in the weather/places they do best in. Most of the world is being effected by climate change, but luckily we are finding solutions. The key to survival is to adapt. If we do not adapt, how would we survive? We wouldn't.
Discussion Questions:
Do you think CLimate change will be eliminated?
What effects does climate change have on Africa?
Hi! I really liked how you added facts to your writing piece. It makes it more descriptive and a better summary.