Summary: For centuries, Africa has been dealing with droughts that rip away rainwater for months at a time. Since Africa has a lot of agriculture, it can put a strain on the economy and families. Plenty of families will only eat one meal a day to save food. Recently, however, the African government and plenty of organisations have come forward to help the families affected by the drought get by. The government has been supplying food to areas that have been severely affected by the drought and have also been working on adding long-term solutions such as adding wells to remove the need for rainwater. Organisations have also been working hard to help African citizens affected by giving them supplies to come back from these struggles. Lastly, the citizens of Africa have been adapting to these constant droughts by small changes to their lives such as growing a variety of food and growing more food that requires less water. These changes and adaptations have been necessary for these Africans to survive, and with them, they will thrive.
Analysis: I am amazed, not only by the intelligence and perseverance to deal with droughts, but also the kindness in people’s hearts to start organisations to help people in need. Africa’s government and citizens have evolved by come up with so many ideas to keep their lives together during these constant droughts. Their efforts are there to keep themselves alive and the dedication they put into keeping their crops alive is truely inspiring. Building wells, I believe, is just the first step in getting Africa away from relying on rainwater which will only help them thrive. As the years go on, modernday technology is getting more and more advanced. Soon, hopefully, Africa’s agriculture will be completly free from the heartache of relying on rainwater. Another thing that inspires me is the people who start and work for organisations that help people get through these droughts. Those extraordinary people have such a kind heart to be giving so much to those who are struggling to grown their crops. Although they are a temporary solution, they help citizens wait for the help that is coming later by the government.
Discussion Question: How does Africa continue to bounce back after every drought so quickly? How do the citizens have the motivation to keep their crops up when the lack of rainfall may kill it?
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