Friday, October 30, 2020
400 Years of Conflict
Climate Change is Severely Affecting Africa
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"Things Fall Apart": Chinua Achebe and the languages of African literature
"Things Fall Apart": Chinua Achebe and the languages of African literature Summary: It talks about a book named ‘Things Fall Apart’ which takes perspective from a white person, who took part in colonizing Africa, and a black person who was experiencing being colonized. The book was written in English but some people wanted it to be published in an African language because they didn’t want the book representing their colonizers and that it could decide which languages Africa spoke since it’s an essential that children in Africa have to read. Analysis: I can agree with both sides of the argument because in some African countries, they are forced to speak their colonizers language. On the other hand, they were forced into Western culture and language so writing it in an African language could help them set their culture apart. Discussion Questions: Do you think it should be written in a European or African language and why? What is the best way to decide? Should some copies of the book be in different languages?
Post apartheid South Africa is the most unequal country
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Post apartheid South Africa is the most unequal country |
Killing of White Farmer, Apartheid Comes up Again
The killing of White Farmer, Apartheid Comes up Again
By- Ali Reinhardt
Summary- Mr. Horner was a young, white farmer in Senekal, South Africa he was found tied to a pole on a farm, dead. Topics about apartheid and land were brought to attention once again. The suspects were apart of a ring of livestock stealing in the Eastern part of the Free State province. At the court where the case was being tested, there were 2 groups, white farmers fighting against the government for deliberately failing to protect them. The other group was part of the Economic Freedom Fighters. On a hill outside the town waved a banner of the face of the victim. Tension is very high in rural farming areas where white people own the vast majority of land and Blacks still serve as workers. White South Africans make up 9 % of the country’s 58 million citizens. At the hearing, white farmers and motorcycle riders faced off and stood nose to nose through the barbed wire. AfriForum, a large advocacy group for Afrikaners, the descendants of the white Dutch and Huguenot settlers of South Africa, has led international efforts to draw attention to their discredited claims that white farmers are being systematically forced off their land and killed in large numbers. White South Africans believe that they should be able to own farms in peace and grow their own crops. South Africans still believe that White South Africans have more power over them and wants it to stop. They get paid less and they get treated differently. Both sides are fighting for their rights but you can see that when the countries decided to colonize, they created tension with the two groups that are still here today.
''For South Africa's children, coding could be the ticket to a future''
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Extreme climate conditions: How Africa can adapt
Five ways climate change could affect Africa
Black Lives Matter, To Most
Imperialism Continues to Affect Africa’s Lifestyle
Destructive Flooding in East Africa
Imperialism on Africa
Summary: This article explains how Africa was treated compared to other places. It explains how Africa was treated less in many ways like Religion, Social, Culture, Political, and economic ways.
From Janitor to Nurse Practitioner.
The article “From Janitor to Nurse Practitioner in the Same Hospital, meet Jaines Andraes.” talks about Jainies Andres success story in her Career. Starting out as a janitor in a hospital ,Andres worked and studied her way up, soon enough becoming a nurse practitioner in the same hospital. This shows African Resilience because Jainies, an African woman worked her way up to a higher position to be able to provide for her mom financially from the medical benefits that her position now receives. She worked over a ten year period in order to have the proper qualifications to become a nurse practitioner, the work Jainies put in shows an immense amount of work effort and resilience to meet her goal of finally being able to practice medicine. I feel that this is an excellent display of African resilience because it shows a African woman working for over ten years to become qualified to study medicine and to be able to provide for her family with more financial freedom. The specific challenges Jainies faced were not directly talked about, although it can be heavily implied that it was no easy task; Especially considering that she kept her job as a janitor while putting herself through rigorous academic work. How could ones culutre be an impactful factor in a journey like this?
African scientists made better testing kits for Covid
Nakku's Success
Nigerian Scientists Discover New Covid-19 Test
The new wave of fine jewelers bringing African luxury to the world
Jerusalem Dance Concurs Covid
Summary: This article on Newsela explains how despite the virus in Africa, many people came together on video and in person to dance and sing to this song called Jerusalema. On September 24th, the Africa haritage holiday was celebrated through different dances, clothing and singing. The song that they are listening to and dancing to became popular in 2019 and has expanded until it has spread all around Africa. To this day, the people of Africa are seeing this song as a coping mechanism with all the stress from the current events of the world. These dances have even gotten out to youtube and have been watched over and over agian by people in other countries. Many videos show healthcare workers and hospital personnel are getting out and celebrating this holiday through dancing and singing. Not only did the people celebrate it by themselves but the president even came out and told everyone to go out and celebrate the historical holiday.
Analysis: I feel that this is a very important piece of inspiration to the world. As in the article it says that the song has even been praised by the president as a sign of a positive spirit in the world. I believe that this dance challenge with expand all the way to the Americas and it will continue to symbolize peace in this world and good prosperity. Because of this pandemic, many people aren’t able to visit the people they love and this article explains how even though there is a pandemic, there is still a way to socialize with each other. As this virus continues to impact our schools, I also think that it is incredibly vital to socialize with our close friends, classmates, and teachers even if it is not through face to face contact. In my opinion, I think that this dance challenge has opened up the eyes of many people around the world to create peace and to bring the positive spirits and thinking to this world.
Question: Why do you think that this Jeruselema dance is such a big hit in Africa and how does that inspire people around the world to do more positive things?
Alex Zak
Africa's fight: Invasive Worms and Hunger
Many Americans may have a view of Africa as an impoverished and underdeveloped land teeming with dangerous wildlife and diseases. But there are 54 different countries in Africa. Each of them is different, and facing a different set of problems. Some are facing the problems of poverty and underdevelopment and disease, but others are facing different problems. Better developed countries like South Africa and Zimbabwe are facing some different problems, based mainly off of human-environment interaction. Whether it be humans cutting down too many forests to build homes and cities, or South Africans building homes with thicker insulation to combat the brutally hot summers, Africans are developing new and innovative solutions to problems nature has caused for them. The most recent of these problems being the invasive species of hungry worms, fall armyworms. These countries do have the resources to find long term, satisfactory solutions to these types of problems. The “fall armyworms” have begun devastating crops across Africa. Thought to have come to Africa via commercial airlines or imported plants from South America, these small worms live short life spans, reproduce incredibly fast, and eat a ton. This last fact is the most crucial. These tiny worms are eating many of Africa’s most vital crops; maize, wheat, millet, and rice. Their main target, maize (a type of corn), is a main food source for thousands of Africans. This use it in much of their food including a very popular dish called Mieliepap. The loss of the Maize eaten by the armyworms have caused hundreds to go hungry already, and if the situation does not improve, many will starve. But People are not just standing by, they are developing new solutions to the fall armyworms. Local governments have begun spraying pesticides over fields from planes in an attempt to kill the armyworms, this could be dangerous as the full effect of the pesticides on surrounding environments is not yet known. In this way, they could be changing the environment, another key form of human-environment interaction. They are also experimenting with more natural solutions like placing birds in the fields or building ditches around the crops. When a crop field has been overrun so much that no crops are salvageable, farmers have begun burning the field to kill the armyworms. This, surprisingly, has proved effective in killing some of the armyworms. Only one thing is certain, if they cannot find a suitable solution, it will have catastrophic consequences.
I would like to start by saying the article was incredibly interesting and informative. I learned so much about the current situation in Africa and how the fall armyworms and subsequent food shortages have affected many African countries, their economies, and their people. I thought many of the ideas people were thinking of were very innovative and well thought out. Especially the ditches around the food plots and the pesticides being sprayed from the government planes. But I do see some issues with both of these plans. Firstly, the pesticides, I do not like the plan with the pesticides. I think it is incredibly dangerous and could destroy lots of valuable land. This is not a risk I am willing to take. Also the ditches could prevent farmers from extending the food plots. In addition the armyworms could potentially cross the ditches and feast upon the crops. This problem began with human-environment interaction, with the humans depending on the food source, and when that food source was taken away, how they would adapt. Personally I would not adapt by damaging the land anymore than it has already been. The fields have been destroyed, the surrounding trees and plants do not need to be put at risk as well. Humans can not afford to change the environment even more than the armyworms already have. I think the best solution would be to build ditches around the fields and put birds in the field to eat the armyworms. While this is happening they should do extensive tests of the pesticides and their effect on the environment. If the tests show it has no impact on other wildlife, then they should begin spraying the pesticides. My first priority is to not harm nature outside the fields and armyworms. If people begin to starve, then I think more radical steps like pesticides could be put into place. At the end of the day, the goal is to save as many human lives as possible.
Discussion Questions:
Do you agree? How would you solve the fall armyworms? How can we solve this problem without changing or damaging the environment?
Africa in need
Title: Africa in Need
Summary:Almost all of Africa is in poverty which means that they can’t afford or be able to access stores or distributors. That means that they have to rely on their environment in order to feed themselves and their families. People in Africa have a wide variety of human environment interaction. They cut down trees for wood and farming, they use the waters to fish and hydrate, they hunt for food and more. Many people and nations try to help people in Africa like mission trips and charity organizations. Some more examples of human environment interaction would be the building of infrastructure while still poor, does help to make living better for the people there. Also, because of the poor infrastructure, there is a lot of pollution in the lakes and waters that people rely on.
This article is very good, it was published in 2012 however so it might not be too up to date. It was a medium size article so it didn't take too long to read. It was written by the United Nations so it is credible.
Discussion question:
How can we help to help Africa and people in need?
Why was Africa in such a state of poverty in the first place?
What are some examples of human environment interactions?
How can we spread awareness for the people in need in Africa?
Jaines Andrades becomes a Nurse Practioner
Title: From Janitor to Nurse Practitioner at the same Hospital, meet Jaines Andrades
This article is about a woman named Jaines Andrades. She went from working as a janitor to working as a nurse practitioner in the same hospital, Baystate Springfield Hospital. It started off as her being a janitor and moved from the urgent care unit to the operating room. In the operating room she often interacted with the patients and the nurses and she loved that. So she decided to go work for her bachelors degree for about 5 years. Two years later was hired as a registered nurse at Baystate. She was convinced by her colleagues to go one step further and go for a doctorate in nursing. During her time studying for the doctorate she got transferred to a new job, Baystate’s acute care unit. 3 weeks later she was hired as a nurse practitioner in the trauma surgery department at the same hospital, Baystate Springfield Hospital
This article was very inspiring to read. It was inspiring because she was a custodian or a janitor. But she worked hard and got a job as a nurse practitioner. This really shows no matter how tough the situation looks, there is always a way to get out of it and become better. I also feel that it is quite interesting because you don't usually hear stories of people going from being a janitor to a nurse and in the same hospital. This article reminds me of stories of people starting off low and then they end up with something better than they started with
Do you agree or disagree with my personal analysis that the article was inspirational?
African woman achieves her dream job after 10 years
Desertification in Africa Will Affect the World?!
Title: How desertification in Africa will affect the world